Friday, March 30, 2012

What is the full form of C.O.M.P.U.T.E.R ?

1   C = Commonly       2    C = Commonly              C = comman           4     C = comman
     O = Operating              O = Operating                  O = Office                      O =  optimum
     M = Machine               M= Machin                       M = Machin                   M=  Mobility
     P = Particularly             P = part                            P = part                          P =  Particularly
     U = Used for                U = Unit                           U =  Unit                        U=   Used for
     T = Technical and         T =  Training                     T =  Training                   T = Technical and
     E = Educational            E =  Effect                        E =Educational                E = Educational
     R = Research.              R = Report                       R = Research                   R = Report

Answer :   1

What is the full form of sap?

1  Supportanalyse und Programmentwicklung
2. Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung
3. Systemanalyse und Producentwicklung
4. Systemanalyse analysis Programmentwicklung

Answer : 2

SAP means Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung. This is german for System analysis and program development.
The name was later changed into Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung: Systems, application and products in the data processing.

The company is specialized in large application supporting large corporations.
SAP is well known for its ERP solution R/3. The modularity of the product allows a certain fexibility in the implementation and use.

What is the full form of BRICS ?

  1.     Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, China.,south Africa
  2.     Britain, Russia, India, China.,south Africa
  3      Brazil, Russia, India, Chili.,south Africa
  4      Brazil, Russia, India, China.,south Africa

Answers :- 4

BRICS are terms used to refer to the combination of Brazil, Russia, India, China.,south Africa General consensus is that the term was first prominently used in a thesis of the Goldman Sachs investment bank. The main point of this 2003 paper was to argue that the economies of the BRICS are rapidly developing and by the year 2050 will eclipse most of the current richest countries of the world

Friday, March 23, 2012

Who was the first British Governor of Bengal ?

1.Jone Beard        (1685-1693 )
2.Job Charnock    (1685-1693 )
3.William Hedges  ( 1632-1701)
4. William Gyfford  (1684-1685)

Ans :-3.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What is the Full form of FIAT ?

1 Field Information Agency Technology.
2 Felony Investigative Assistance Team.
3 Factory of Italian Automobile Technology.
4 Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino

 Ans 4.

Who is the Father of History?

1 Hippocrates  (460- 370 BC )
2 Aristotle        (384- 322 BC )
3 Plutarch         (46 - 120 AD )
4 Herodotus    (484 -424 BC )

 Ans :- 4

Who is the Father of Biography (Biographer)?

1 Hippocrates (460- 370 BC )
2 Aristotle       (384- 322 BC )
3 Plutarch        (46 - 120 AD )
4 Herodotus    (484 -424 BC )

 Ans :- 3.

Who is the Father of Zoology?

1.Nicolas Copernicus   (1473- 1543 )
2.Hippocrates           (460= 370 BC )
3. Plutarch                  (46 - 120 AD )
4. Aristotle               ( 384 - 322 BC )

Ans :- 4.

Who is the Father of MODERN ASTRONOMY?

1.Nicolas Copernicus  (1473- 1543 )
2.Hippocrates           (460= 370 BC )
3. Plutarch                  (46 - 120 AD )
4. Theophrastus       ( 371 - 287 BC )

Ans :- 1.

Who is the Father of BOTANY?

1.Aristotle              (384- 322 BC )
2.Hippocrates        (460= 370 BC)
3. Plutarch             ( 46 - 120 AD )
4. Theophrastus     (371 - 287 BC)

Ans :- 4.

Who is the Father of MICROBIOLOGY?

1.Aristotle              (384- 322 BC )
2.Hippocrates        (460= 370 BC )
3. Plutarch             ( 46 - 120 AD )
4. Louis Pasteur     ( 1822 -1895 )

Ans :- 4.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Who is the Father of MEDICINE?

1.Antony van Leeuwenhoek(1632- 1723 )
2.Nicolas Copernicus,(1473- 1543 )
3. Aristotle (384- 322 BC )
4. Hippocrates (460- 370 BC )

Ans;- 4.

who is the Father of Bacteriology?

1.Antony van Leeuwenhoek(1632- 1723 )
2.Nicolas Copernicus,(1473- 1543 )
3. Aristotle (384- 322 BC )
4. Herodotus (484- 424 BC )

Ans;- 1

Who is the Father of biology?

1.Antony van Leeuwenhoek(1632- 1723 )
2.Nicolas Copernicus,(1473- 1543 )
3. Aristotle (384- 322 BC )
4. Herodotus (484- 424 BC )

Ans;- 3.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Who has invented ceiling FAN ?

Who has invented ceiling FAN ?

  1. wilium jones
  2. liwen hook
  3. Grames bell
  4. Philip H. Diehl (29 January 1847 – 7 April 1913) was a German-American engineer
Answer : 4

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sun-drop diamond in Swiss auction

Sun-drop diamond in Swiss auction

South African stone is largest diamond of its kind at 110 carats and expected to reach $15m (£9m) in Swiss auction
Sun-Drop diamond, Sotheby's
The Sun-Drop yellow diamond, the largest of its kind at 110.03 carats, is expected to fetch up to $15m at auction in Geneva. Photograph: Michael Buholzer/Reuters
A 110-carat diamond is expected to fetch up to $15m (£9m) at auction in Geneva next week, Sotheby's says. The so-called Sun-Drop Diamond is described as fancy vivid yellow, the highest colour grading, and is the largest known diamond of its kind, at 110.3 carats. "It looks the weight," said David Bennett, head of Sotheby's jewellery division. The jewel is being sold by Cora International, which discovered it in South Africa last year, meaning it has no history of previous wearers. "Some find it very attractive to own a stone that's been lying untouched in the earth for millions of years," Bennett added.